The declining long-term survival rate of both small businesses and nonprofits was the first inspirational source behind the development of Beast Elite. According to the SBA (Small Business Administration), 66% of small businesses survive at least 2-years while 50% survive at least 5-years. Additionally, about 1/3 of all new businesses will survive at least 10-years or more. Studies prove the number one leading cause of many failed businesses stimulate from the lack of active cash flow. However, the true leading factor of which Founder & CEO, Mr. Marshall discovered is that many small businesses to include nonprofits actually fail due to a lack of planning.

According to NANOE (National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives), approximately 30% of nonprofits fail to exist after 10 years, and according to Forbes, over half of all nonprofits that are chartered are destined to fail or stall within a few years (3-5 years) due to leadership issues and the lack of having a thorough plan. Mr. Marshall recites, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail."


Business Survival Rate

The second inspirational source stemmed from the needs of the business community. Many small businesses and nonprofits suffer from not having the proper guidance, resources, and or tools to grow forward. At Beast Elite, we provide that critical support as your trusted partners leading the future. It's important that we establish long-term goals and guide our clients on a path to success with our comprehensive learning platforms and custom service packages to transform their organizations to its next level despite location.

The third and final inspirational source resulted from Mr. Marshall’s own entrepreneurial journey. As a young Entrepreneur without a college degree, mentor, and only $500, Mr. Marshall was often told that he wouldn’t make it and his business would fail because he didn’t have what society viewed was needed to be successful. However, while being at a disadvantage against his long-standing competitors, he didn’t let that stop him. Mr. Marshall managed to build his business from the ground up with very limited resources and has become an industry game-changer while impacting others along the way. 


Our Approach

What separates us from our competitors is that we don't believe in the "one-size-fits all solution" or "instant gratification" business models. Despite our client's industry and market segment, every organization is different and requires a strategy that is custom-tailored towards their needs. It's important that we carefully analyze our client's challenges supported by organic solutions to deliver consistent yet scalable results. Whether a client is in the pre-stages of starting a new organization or have been operating for numerous years, we are committed to advising clients on the strategies and best practices of ensuring success within their industry and/or market segment while becoming Beast Leaders.

What is a Beast Leader?

A Beast Leader is a game changer, creator, trendsetter, and visionary. Regardless of what you may lack compared to your competition, a Beast Leader is someone who makes the impossible, possible by doing what others said couldn't be done. 

Remember, the only limits we have in life are the ones we put on ourselves. Together, we will continue to do the impossible!

Company Principles

Our Principles serve as the governing foundation of the success of organizations. It is our belief that no organization whether for-profit or nonprofit can truly ensure success without these (3) principles in place:

PURPOSE gives an organization its identity and defines the “why” behind the development of a business. The organizational purpose will enable a business to attract and connect with its customers to build meaningful partnerships.

STRUCTURE is the core of an organization. The structure provides legs for a business to stand and sustainability for it to grow. Without a strong structure, a business will have nothing to propel itself forward successfully.

PROFITABILITY is what keeps a business active. According to statistics, the lack of active cash flow is the leading cause of many failed businesses besides poor planning. However, if there’s no active profit, there’s no business.